Thursday, November 11, 2010
Early Morning Excitement
But it is not just a case of the "Thursdays" that has me so tired. Oh no. Instead, David and I had a stranger visit our home last night.
I don't want to go into too many details, but the man never entered our home, the police were called and they took care of it.
Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind and had trouble sleeping. Today, I am carrying my trusty bottle of mace in my pocket, just to be safe.
No bad guys for me today, thanks.
Anyway, school seems to be calming down a bit. We had midterms in October, and now we are on somewhat of the downward slope. A few papers, a few reading assignments, and a couple projects here and there... nothing too crazy.
Summer is looming in the near future though. Only 169 (total) days until my husband and I walk down the stage at graduation and accept our college diplomas. I cannot wait, and I am so proud of us. :)
Every day is just one day closer to freedom from school. :)
I am slightly toying with the idea of going to Grad school, but for now, it is just a thought. That is not necessarily something David and I can afford out-of-pocket, and the idea of taking out another loan sounds awful.
I'll keep you posted on what David and I decide to do. I know education is a good investment, but after 16 years of school in.a.row. I am ready for a break. I joke with my friend Natalie about how it is going to be so nice to just work and then come home. No working+homework+classes+late nights of studying and so on. Nope, work will be work, and when our shift is over, it's over.
*Happy sigh* 169 days.
Speaking of countdowns, I am going to be 21 in 35 days. :) David is in charge of the birthday celebrations for the weekend. I am sure it is going to be eventful. :) 21 is kind of a big deal, you know? :)
Anyway, I should probably get back to work. I am only here for another 15 minutes, then I have to grab some lunch, work on some homework, head to class, come home, and then go to job #2.
169. 169. 169.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I love this card!! I think it is super fun with the integration of pictures and colors. My original idea was to include a note saying how David and my first year of marriage is, on top of balancing school and work for both of us, but this would allow us to do this without the extra insert. I would love to include wedding pictures or engagement pictures on here. It is so fun!
Option 2:
This option again, incorporates the use of photos and a space for text. I think the black-and-white images are really fun and the colors are a cute integration of holiday flair.
Option 3:
I love the Christmas trees on this one!
Option 4:
I think the last two are my favorite of the group, although I love "Option 3". I love the simplicity, but they are cute, modern and would make a gorgeous Christmas card.
Looking forward to my first married holiday season! :)
Alright Guys
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Again, I'm sorry...
In my defense, David and I have been extremely busy.
I am currently doing an internship for school (graduation requirement) that forces me to work 25 hours a week, and while I am still working for Target roughly 25-32 hours a week.
That means, I am working between 50-60 hours a week. Often it means working from 8 am to 10 pm several days throughout the week.
David is also working full-time so the time we do not have to work, we spend together, hence my lack of blogging.
I will give you a summary though:
*We have been insanely happily married for 81 days! (Our 3 month-iversary is on the 8th)
*We are both on track to graduate next spring and plan to celebrate our one year anniversary and graduation in Disneyland
*We love our apartment and are so blessed to have found such a perfect place in such a perfect location
*David and I went to the Old Fashioned Festival and went to the carnival (we even rode the "Sizzler," which made me laugh and laugh. David felt like throwing up because he was getting crushed, but it was hilarious nonetheless). We also went to a car show, an INCREDIBLE firework show, walked around the food vendors and listened to live music, went to a pancake breakfast and enjoyed life as new residents to Newberg.
*David drove me to work and picked me up on Sunday night. As we were driving home, we drove past the Drive-in and decided to go, regardless of it being late and both of us needing to be up early. We ran home, changed clothes, popped two bags of popcorn and grabbed other snacks and headed back. We watched Despicable Me sitting on the roof of our Buick before cuddling up next to each other inside the car. We decided not to stay for both movies, but it was so much fun getting to spend that time together, especially at a sponatenous Drive-in date.
Marriage is wonderful.
My life is perfect.
I have an amazing husband and a great family who loves me.
We love the Lord and we don't take any of our blessings for granted.
Have a great day! HOPEFULLY I will write again soon. :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
*We have been married for 38 days :)
*We lived for just over two weeks with David's sister, her husband, and daughter. It was so fun and so great to be surrounded by such a loving family. Our family. Hee hee. :)
*I started working at Target as of yesterday again. My transfer went through so I am official at the new Target. It was fun yesterday, although I am noticing that the pace of my new store is much slower than the pace of my original store. Either way though, I am making .68 more per hour, which means a bigger paycheck for David and I. :) I also am getting a ton of hours (almost full time, although I was not expecting that), which means that I can also provide more than expected too. God is so good!! I love the feeling that I am contributing to our family's income rather than David having to solely provide for the two of us. I know that he is completely happy doing so, but I like the feeling of doing something too.
*I think our biggest news is that WE GOT OUR APARTMENT!! We signed the lease and began moving in on Saturday. The building used to be a historic hotel, which has now become apartment lofts. It is so cute!! We love it there!! My parents came out yesterday and brought a whole load of stuff (meaning I have a ton of boxes to unpack once I get off work) but we were able to sleep on our new mattress set (thank you Grandma!). We can't even believe we have our own home. :) It is so amazing. Once we finish moving in I will post pictures. :)
Random news not about us:
--My cousin Elly got married on Friday! It was so fun and she made a beautiful bride.
--My sister turned 24 earlier this month.
Life is going amazingly for the Greens. :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Happily Married